Had a fantastic and eye opening day on Friday at the North Clywd Animal Rescue Centre (NCAR). We were there to film a documentary about the running of the centre. Volunteers are an integral and essential part of the running of the centre and the NCAR manager was keen for us to emphasize this in the film.
NCAR is a privately run registered charity that was founded by Anne Owen in 1978. It has grown over that time to take care of over 1000 animals per year. They take in stray dogs, cats and rabbits. It is entirely dependent on members of the public to help with funding and donations to look after all of these animals. Vet fees can be anything up to £4000 per month so you can see how important the fundraising is to keep the centre going.

Filming the documentary with animals did present some challenges, for example the noise of dogs barking was an issue so we couldn’t do any interviews within the kennels themselves. However, being a documentary the film gives us an opportunity to dub the soundtrack by adding narration and/or music without detracting from the overall atmosphere. The staff were also very busy so we didn't want to interrupt the excellent work they were doing although everyone was very accommodating and gave us as much time as we needed.
Whilst in the shop a couple had come to bring their dog ‘Oscar’ for his second round of injections. We were fortunate enough to be able allowed to film him having his injections and ask the owners some questions about their experiences at the centre and search for a rescue dog.
We also held an in depth interview with Owen who is one of the Managers of the centre. He gave us detailed information on the fundraising events they attend

If you are interested in adopting one of the animals, becoming a volunteer or making a donation then please visit the NCAR website by clicking here http://www.ncar.org.uk/