Friday, 28 December 2012

Summer Break 2012

For some reason this blog never got posted so before the end of 2012 here's my blog which includes the summer break and some work I've done since then

I kept myself very busy over the 2012 summer break improving my post-production knowlegdge with compositing and 3d tutorials and also getting involved in some exciting production opportunities. Below is a brief synopsis of each of them

Digital Tutors

Following the Creative Futures trip to London earleier in the year I discovered that the majority of post-production companies use a piece of software called Nuke to do their compositing. I found out that the company that make the softwate The Foundry also have a learning edition for students which is available for free but has some minor limitations. Having searched the internet for tutorials on Nuke I discovered that Digital Tutors has one of the largest online video-based training and tutorial library for CG, 3D, animation and VFX. I therefore signed up for a 6month subscription. Digital Tutors also has several tutorials on After Effects, Maya, Photoshop and a number of other software packages that I use in my post-production work.

For my first project I decided to incorporate a 3d object from Maya into some Live Video Footage I filmed with my camera. For this I obtained a 3d model of a desk lamp and would go on to composite it into the footage using Nuke. However, before compositing the object I had to create a camera track. For this I used Autodesk Matchmover which is camera tracking software. Firstly, the camera track was loaded into Maya. I then imported the 3d object and set up the lighting and renderer (Mental Ray). The rendered Maya scene was then imported into Nuke. The compositing process and rendering took several hours and the finished scene didn't quite turn out right as the lamp wobbles as the scene progresses. Initially I wasn't sure what the problem was as the lamp looked stable in Nuke. It was only when I did the final render that the wobble appeared. After further investigation I discovered the problem was with the original camera track. Unfortunately the track wasn't of a sufficient enough quality for the render. I was disappointed as I'd spent many hours working on it but I learned a good lesson of the importance of the original track which I could take forward to future projects.

For my second attempt at compositing a 3d object into video footage I used a mobile phone. This time I did manhy more manual camera tracks (rather than relying on automatic tracks) and the result was much better with a solid track on the phone. Here is the final version that has been colour corrected in Nuke:

I'll be posting my other compositing work on my blog in the near future so please watch this space!

Go Wales

Having contacted Go Wales about getting some work experience during the Summer in May I was given an opportunity to make a short film for the North East Wales Wildlife Centre (NEWW).

NEWW is based at the Rhydymwyn Valley Nature Reserve. Just three miles from Mold it's a fascinating place. The reserve is owned by the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and is the site of a once top secret WWII chemical weapons factory.

Some of the buildings still remain and are used as habitat for bats and nesting birds, although walking around you can see how nature has taken over this once man made site. Rhydymwyn is home to over 1600 species of mammals, birds, flowers, insects, reptiles and fungi. It is very important to local biodiversity. Different areas of the reserve are managed for habitats such as wetland, grassland, scrub and woodland. There’s a woodland trail that aims to uncover the hidden history of the site, both natural and human.

NEWW hopes to monitor and enhance the wildlife whilst encouraging community participation in the form of volunteering, school visits and training and event throughout the year.

The Brief we were given was to create a short film about the site utilizing a group of school children to present.  The activity was divided into two sections. The first was the planning phase where the children were tasked with creating the script for the film and deciding on locations within the reserve.
The film had to showcase the beauty and the wildlife of the reserve and highlighting the history of the site.

Working with the children was great as they were very enthusiastic and did a brilliant job of writing the script. One of the main challenges we had was filming the wildlife. Much of it didn’t make an appearance on the day although some of it is nocturnal. Also a big thanks to Gemma who I worked with on the day.

NEWW really liked the film and will use it to educate children and encourage more visitors. This was great feedback as I really enjoyed making this.

Here's the film

Gavin Preston Performance Accelerator

During a recent night out with my wife and her work colleagues I got talking to Gavin Preston. Gaving told me that he is a Performance Accelerator. He works with Entrepreneurs whose businesses have hit a plateau and helps them get back into growth. He also helps early stage businesses to help accelerate their growth.  Applying his 4 step "Entrepreneur Accelerator Model" he helps his clients address the internal and external obstacles that have been stifling growth, helping them develop real world strategies to put the business back on track.

The brief from Gavin was firstly to film a short film to promote his Burning Business Questions webinar that take place on the first Thursday of every month. He also asked me to film a tutorial for his Accelerator Formula Won for Business : Pace model.

Gavin began by showing me a few different styles of films that he liked and we then discussed the content of the films. I filmed Gavin delivering his content. I edited each of the films in a slightly different way so Gavin could choose a style that he preferred. Below is a link to each of the films I produced.

I decided to edit the Burning Business Questions into a more graphic style that added pace to the content by introducing music and using images to visual what Gavin was talking about. Below is the first film:


After reviewing the different styles for Burning Business Question Gavin said he would like to try the two different styles to see which generates the most views. Here's the second style:


And here are the tutorial films for Gavin's Accelerator Formula Won for Business : Pace model:

Part 1

Part 2

Gavin was very happy with the work I produced and has asked me to film some more content for him later this month. I'll be posting the work here so watch this space! Be sure to check out Gavin's website

Peace Day event

Worked on a fantastic and worthwhile project on the 21st September at the Library Field in Wrexham.

Wrexham held a ‘world peace day’ long weekend. It took the form of three days of live music, poetry, readings and spoken word over three venues to celebrate the International Day of Peace. The programme was as follows:

Thursday 20th September 2012 – St. Christopher’s School, Wrexham 10am – 3pm
Delegates from all Wrexham Schools were invited to participate in World Peace Day for Schools. Workshops, talks, art, singing, food sharing and many other activities

Friday 21st September 2012 – Llyn Isaf (Library Field), Wrexham 12pm – 7pm
Concert for World Peace Day including multi-faith readings, spoken word, acoustic music (12pm – 4pm). Full bands (4pm – 7pm) and childrens activities and more. Musical line up TBA

Friday 21st September 2012 – Saith Seren, Wrexham 8pm – 1am
After a mello, relaxed afternoon a chance to let your hair down and party to some of the heavier bands from the region. 

I got involved on Friday and filmed the multi faith readings, acoustic music and the choir. We also did a few interviews with band members and Genny who organised the whole event.

I’d like to thank Sue McGrane for this opportunity that was arranged through the Wrexham Arts Council and South Wales Intercultural Community Arts. SWICA is an organisation dedicated to celebrating the cultural diversity of the region through creating new arts opportunities to be enjoyed by people from a wide variety of backgrounds.
It was a great opportunity to film a live event network whilst adding to my professional practice portfolio. This work will look great on my show reel and cv. I also enjoyed collaborating with other Creative Lens Media students from different years on this project.
Please check out he World Peace day Facebook page and SWICA website:!/events/154000078072324/

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